KMID : 0359019840040010064
Korean Journal of Gastrointestinal Endoscopy 1984 Volume.4 No. 1 p.64 ~ p.68
Colonoscopic Experience in 3 Cases of Primary Colonic Lymphoma
±è¾àÈ£/Kim YH
±Ç±â¿µ/Á¤¹®°ü/Àü¿µÁØ/±è±Ç¹è/¼ÛÈ«¼®/¹Ú½Â±¹/Kwon KY/Chung MK/Jeon YJ/Kim KB/Song HS/Park SK
Primary colonic lymphoma is a rare disease and open surgical biopsy is usually necessary for hietological confirmation. Despite the submucosal location of the tumors, histological confirmation is frequently made by endoscopic multiple punch biopsies. Recently, three patients were admitted to the hospital with right lower guadrant abdominal pain, mass and abnormalities in the right colon and cecum on the barium enema. We performed colonoscopy and found smooth surfaced polypoid mass with occasional shallow ulcerations without lobulation, so suspected lymphoma endoscopically but failed to confirm histologieal diagnosis by usual punch biopsy. Thereafter, all three cases were undergone to laparntomies, and two were confirmed to be non-Hodgkins lymphoma and the other was Hodgkins disease. Here, we present those three cases of endoscopically found colonic lymphoma with review of literatures.
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