In an attempt to evaluate the efficacy ef cimetidine in treatment of erosive gastritis, a praspective study wras done in 9 cases of heworrhagie gastritia, 4 cases yunctiform gastritis, 9 caees verrueous gastritia, and 9 caseis mixed type, Four hundred mg of cimetidine was given in the morning and at bedtime for 3 weeks. Evaluation ef the efficacy was assessed by clinical syinptoms acoring and by endoscopic findings of erosion before treatment, on the 8th day, on the 15th day, and on the 22th day of treatment in all patients. The results were as follows; 1) Clinical sytnptoms in patients with erosive gastritis were epigastric discamfortness(83. 9%), heart burn(80. 0%), indigestion(77, 6%), hunger pain(74.2%), belching(71.0%), anotexla (48.4%) and nausea(45.5%). There was no differenees of symptoms among the type of erosion. 2) Percent decrease in clinical eyxeptoms were; 45% on the 8th day, 68% on the 15th day, 81% on the 22th day of treatment. Ciinical symptoms in patients with punetiform gastritis lasted longer than other typea. 3) Disappearance of the gastric mucossl erosion was seen in 8 cases of hemorrhagic gastritis, 6 case of mixed type, 5 cases of verruceous gastritis, 2 cases of punctiform gastritis, and overall 21 Cases(67.7%) on the 22th day of treatment, endoscopieally. Faur eases af punctiform gastritis were transformed into verrueous gastritis during the treatment. 4) Disappearance of the erosion was observed more frequently in the mueosa of oxyntic area than that of antrum. This study suggests that cimetidine appears to be effective for relief of elinical symptoms in patients with erosive gastritis, and for treatment of hemorrhagic gastritis and erosions in the mucosa of oxyntic area,