Emergency endoacopy was performed in 315 patients for recent four years The source of upper GI bleeding in these 315 caaes were as follows: Esophageal varix(93), gastric ca(39), Mallory-weiss syndrome(14), gastric ca(38), Duodenal ulces(21), Erosive gastritis(14), Marginal ulcer(2), Combined case(24) Unknown cases(10), Essentiall Tx was not performed in 4 died case because of poor general conditions, After check up BP, Heart, Pluae rate, that examination was performed during drip infusion to be ¡¯safety of cireulatary system. No compication were encountered. To confirm the source of bleeding at earlier stage, was useful to decid which way, that is conservative of surgical therapy in which better for the Management. The results are as follows: 1) The sex incidence of upper GI bleeding showed Male predominance c a ratio 4. 6: 1 and peak age groups were 4th & 5th decade. 2) Endoscopic diagnosis of npper GI bleeding in the studied case were in the order of Esophageal varix bleeding(29%), Gastric ulcer (23. 5%), Mallory weiss syndrome(12. 4%) Duodenal ulcer(6.7%) Erosive gastritis(4.4%) We could not find the bleedi site in 3.2% of the studied case. 3) The cause of emergeney endoseopy are Melena(19%), Hemstenesis(22.0%) and ccenbined (58. 4%) 4) Among the 315 cases of upper GI bleeding, 70. 1% of the cases revealed moderste degree of bleeding. 5) Among the 315 cases of apper BI bleeding, 28. 1% of the cases were confirmed of inducing factor. 6) Among the 315 cases of upper BI bleeding, 69% of the cases received an endcrscopic examination within 72 hr after initial episode of bleeding.