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KMID : 0359019860060010015
Korean Journal of Gastrointestinal Endoscopy
1986 Volume.6 No. 1 p.15 ~ p.18
Endoscopically Removed Polypoid Esophageal Leimyoma
Á¶Çö¹Ì/Cho HM
°­¹«ÀÏ/ÀÓ°è¼ø/Á¤Áø¿ì/ÀÌâµ·/Á¤ÀνÄ/¹ÚµÎÈ£/±èºÎ¼º/Kang MI/Im KS/Jeong JW/Lee CD/Chung IS/Park DH/Kim BS
Leiomyoma is the most common benign tumor of the esophagus, but it still occurs rarely, as compared with the incidence of cacinoma. There are no geographic or racial differences and manifestations are unusual and inconsistent. About 97% of the esophageal leiomyoma may oecur in intramural type and 1 of the tumor may be polypoid type. Considerable diagnostic problems may arise as well as problems of proper surgical management. We experienced a case of a 47-year old female with esophageal leiomyoma in the mid- point of the esophagus. The patient complained of substernal discomfort for 1 month and routine examinatian and gastrofiberscope were performed. The gastrofiberscopic finding was asmoothly protruded, round bean-sized polypoid mass in the midpoint of the esophagus which was removed by polypectomy. There were no other complications. So we reported this case with review of literature.
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