KMID : 0359019860060010055
Korean Journal of Gastrointestinal Endoscopy 1986 Volume.6 No. 1 p.55 ~ p.58
Acute Appendicittis Diagnosed by Colonoscopy
À¯Àç¸í/Yu JM
¾ÈÅÂÈÆ/ÀÌÇüÈ£/·ùÈ£»ó/ÇöÁøÇØ/Ahn TH/Lee HH/Ryu HS/Hyun JH
Acute appendicitis is the most common operative disease in general surgery, but it is not also rate disease to see in other clinical department such as Internal Medicine and Obstetric and Gynecology, because it reqnires to differenciate from many other diseases which have similar symptoms. Expecially, because the clipical aymptoms of acute appendicitis are not typieal in children, elderly, and women, it is hard to be diagnosed as acute appendicitis and it is often misdiagnosed as other disease. We performed colonoscopy due to be interpretated aa one of the colon diseases rather than acute appendicitis. But in colonoscopic findings, there were hyperemie and edematous change on the appendiceal orifice of cecum(cherry or acorn shape). So we report 5 cases of acute appendicitis diagnosed br colonoscopy.
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