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KMID : 0359019880080020183
Korean Journal of Gastrointestinal Endoscopy
1988 Volume.8 No. 2 p.183 ~ p.186
Two Cases of Carcinoid Tumors - Rectum and Stomach Origin -
¹ÚÁß¿ø/Park JW
Á¤Çöä/ÀÌÈ¿¼®/À±¿ë¹ü/¼ÛÀμº/ÃÖ±Ô¿Ï/±èÁ¤·æ/±è¿ëÀÏ/Jung HC/Lee HS/Yoon YB/Song IS/Choi KW/Kim CY/Kim YI
Carcinoid tumors of the intestinal tract are uncommon neoplasms thought to arise from argentaffin cells in the base of the intestinal crypts. Carcinoid tumors of other sites have since been reported with increasing frequency. We experienced one case of rectal carcinoid tumor and the other case of stomach carcinoid turnor. A 52-year-old male patient was admitted to the hospital because of right upper abdominal discomfort. On the CT scan, multiple low density masses were noticed. Sigmoidoscopy revealed the whitish yellow ulcerofungating mass which had vague margin. And a 31-year-old male patient was admitted to the haspital because of hematemesis. On the gastrofiberscopic examination, an ovoid shallow ulcer crater which had elevated margin, smooth tapered fold and vissible vessel was noticed on the anterior wall side of the high body. The biopsy specimen in both these cases showed carcinoid cells. 24h urine 5-HIAA of these cases was negative. Awareness of carcinoid tumor in differential diagnosis of hepatic metastasis and of gastric ulcer is necessary.
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