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KMID : 0359019890090010049
Korean Journal of Gastrointestinal Endoscopy
1989 Volume.9 No. 1 p.49 ~ p.55
Cystic Duct Syndrome
Á¤ÃáÈñ/Chung CH
±è¿øÈ£/±èº´ÀÏ/°­Áø°æ/¹ÚÀμ­/ÃÖÈ«Àç/±è¸í¿í/Kim WH/Kim BI/Kang JK/Park IS/Choi HJ/Kim MW
The cystic duct syndrome is defined as noncalculous partial mechanical obstruction of the cystic duct with painful gallbladder contraction. In this condition, the gallbladder is able to fill by slow entry of bile from the common hepatic duct, however ejection of bile from the gallbladder is prohibited by partial obstruction of the cystic duct. The main symptom of the cystic duct syndrome is postprandial right upper abdominal pain which oecasionally radiates to back and right shaulder. This sayndrome can be diagnosed by CCK-biliary drainage, CCK-cholecystogram, CCK-cholescintigraphy and ERCP. Since the causes are mechanical, patients with the cyetic duct syndrome are best treated surgically by means of cholecystectomy. We had experienced 2 cases of cystic duct syndrome whose ERCP finding and 24hour delayed film disclosed typical findings. The cholecystectomy was performed and the gross specimen showed narrowed lumen or fibrosis of cystic duct, The symptoms were subsided after cholecystectomy.
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