KMID : 0359019930130030591
Korean Journal of Gastrointestinal Endoscopy 1993 Volume.13 No. 3 p.591 ~ p.594
Localization of Insulinoma by Enoscopic Ultrasonography
A 45-year-old woman with recurrent disturbances of consciousness for 4 years with hypoglycemia was hospitalized with the clinical suspicion of an insulinoma. The findings of transabdominal ultrasonography, computed tomography and angiography were
negative. Transhepatic venous sampling for pancreatic hormone assay showed sudden step-up of serum level of insulin in the venous blood from the tail of the pancreas. Finally, an endoscopic ultrasonographic examination established with certainty
origin of the tumor from the tail of the pancreas, which was subsequently confirmed at operation. In conclusion, endoscopic ultrasonography is useful and valuable procedure for the localization of insulinoma especially in patient with insulinoma
pancreas that cannot be localized by conventional methods.
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