KMID : 0359019930130040725
Korean Journal of Gastrointestinal Endoscopy 1993 Volume.13 No. 4 p.725 ~ p.732
Diminutive Colonic Polyps(Less than 5 mm in diameter): Endoscopic and Histologic Study
A series of 241 polyps from 127 patients endoscopically removed during the period from march 1991 through July 1992 at our department were analysed.
@ES The following items were studied.
@EN 1) Incidence, age, and sex distribution of the patients.
2) Number of the colonic polyps
3) Histologic classification and polyp size
4) Anatomic distribution and polyp size
5) Gross types and polyp size
6) Histopathologic types and polyp size
In conolusion, colonic diminutive polyps should not be ignored or overlooked clinically. The majority were neoplastic polyps. It is suggested that diminutive polyps should be removed endoscopically if possible.
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