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KMID : 0359019980180060900
Korean Journal of Gastrointestinal Endoscopy
1998 Volume.18 No. 6 p.900 ~ p.907
A Case of Squamous Cell Lung Cancer with Metastasis of the Stomach
±èÈ£±Ô/Ho Gyu Kim
±è¾ç½Ä/ÃÖ¼º´ë/¿ø¿µÁØ/Á¤ÀçÇõ/¼­¿µ¹è/¹èÈ¿±Ù/Á¶Ã¢È£/Çѽ¹¬/Yang Sik Kim/Sung Dae Choi/Young Jun Won/Jae Hyuk Jung/Young Bae Sue/Hyo Gun Bae/Chang Ho Jo/Sung Muk Han
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