KMID : 0359019990190040650
Korean Journal of Gastrointestinal Endoscopy 1999 Volume.19 No. 4 p.650 ~ p.655
Two Cases of Malignant Lymphomas in the Terminal Ileum Causing Intussusception: Diagnosis and Reduction of Intussusception by Colonoscopy
±èÁ¾Çõ/Jong Hyeok Kim
±è¿ë¹ü/°û»óÅÃ/±èÇоç/¹ÚÃæ±â/À¯À翵/Yong Bum Kim/Sang Taek Kwak/Hak Yang Kim/Choong Kee Park/Jae Young Yoo
Lymphoma, Terminal ileum, Intussusception, Colonoscopy,
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