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KMID : 0359020000200060468
Korean Journal of Gastrointestinal Endoscopy
2000 Volume.20 No. 6 p.468 ~ p.471
A Case of a Gastric Submucosal Lymphatic Cyst Associated with Early Gastric Cancer
Jeong kwang-Jin

Kim Yong-Eun
Lim Geon-Jo
Choi Dae-Hyun
Kim Jin-Do
Lee Ju-Hong
Koo Dae-Yong
Suh Sang-Ik
Lee Kyong-Yoon
Lee Il-Son
A lymphatic cyst of the stomach is rare benign tumor which is composed of thin-walled
lymphatic space lined by benign-appearing endothelial cells. It rarely manifests clinical symptoms, so
it is found incidentally in most cases. Recently, a case of submucosal lymphatic cyst associated with
early gastric cancer was experienced. An endoscopy revealed a slightly elevated, edematous lesion
adjacent to the malignant ulcer. This case if herein reported with a brief review of related literature.
Lymphatic cyst, Stomach, Early gastric cancer,
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