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KMID : 0359020060330050326
Korean Journal of Gastrointestinal Endoscopy
2006 Volume.33 No. 5 p.326 ~ p.332
A Case of Pancreatic Endocrine and Exocrine Tumor with MEN Type 1
Kwon Oh-Wan

Lee Oh-Young
Yoon Byung-Chul
Choi Ho-Soon
Lee Min-Ho
Lee Dong-Hoo
Lee Hang-Lak
Hahm Joon-Soo
Kim Jung-Mi
Kim Jee-Hyun
Moon Won
Koh Dong-Hee
Kee Choon-Suk
An acinar cell carcinoma of the exocrine pancreas is a rare tumor with reported a incidence of 1% to 2% of pancreatic carcinomas. Cases of acinar cell carcinomas with amphicrine features have been reported in recent decades. However, there are no reports of two simultaneous pancreatic masses: an endocrine tumor and, an exocrine tumor. We encountered a 59-year-old female patient presenting with abdominal pain and melena. The acinar cell carcinoma was a 1x1 cm-sized round solid mass in the head of the pancreas. The islet tumor was a 2.5x1.5 cm-sized round mass in the body of the pancreas. The endocrine tumor was nonfunctioning. Melena resulted from the hemosuccus pancreaticus due to a ductal invasion of the acinar cell carcinoma. The patient had a parathyroid adenoma with hyperparathyroidism. Therefore, both the islet tumor and parathyroid adenoma with hyperparathyroidism were strongly suggestive of a MEN I.
Carcinoma, Acinar cell, Islet tumor, Hemosuccus pancreaticus, MEN type 1
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