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KMID : 0359020070340040223
Korean Journal of Gastrointestinal Endoscopy
2007 Volume.34 No. 4 p.223 ~ p.226
A Case of Melanosis Ilei.
Yoon Ji-Hwan

Eum Sung-Hyeon
Kim Sang-Yup
Kim Cheul-Yeon
Hwang Hong-Seok
Lee Hyung-Hwa
Seo Ji-Young
Kim Yeong-Sung
Kwak Dong-Hyup
Melanosis ilei is a condition that¡¯s characterized by gross greyish-black or brownish-black pigmentation of the mucosa of the terminal ileum. There were several substances that produce gastrointestinal tract pigmentation such as lipofuscin, iron sulphide (FeS), Hemosiderin and exogenous material such as silicates and titanium. We report here on a case of a 58-year-old female who ingested charcoal for a long time, and she was diagnosed with melanosis ilei by colonoscopy. Her condition improved after she stopped ingesting the charcoal.
Melanosis ilei, Colonoscopy
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