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KMID : 0359020070350020121
Korean Journal of Gastrointestinal Endoscopy
2007 Volume.35 No. 2 p.121 ~ p.124
A Case of Biliary Stricture Induced by Blunt Abdominal Trauma Treated Endoscopically
Kim Soo-Hyun

Lee Don-Haeng
Jeong Seok
Lee Jung-Il
Lee Jin-Woo
Kwon Kye-Sook
Kim Hyung-Gil
Shin Yong-Woon
Kim Young-Soo
Traumatic biliary stricture is a secondary occurrence because of bile duct injury induced by trauma or surgery, but the delayed onset of a biliary stricture after blunt abdominal trauma is a rare condition. The patient mainly presents with jaundice after recent trauma. The traumatic biliary stricture is confirmed by complete history taking as well as by the use of endoscopic retrograde cholangiography and abdominal CT. Although surgical management such as bilioenteric anastomosis has been used traditionally for this type of biliary stricture, nonsurgical intervention, especially with balloon dilation or retrograde biliary drainage using duodenoscopy have been recently used and show good treatment outcomes. Herein we report a case of biliary stricture caused by blunt abdominal trauma that was treated endoscopically.
Common bile duct, Stenosis, Blunt injury
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