KMID : 0359020070350060395
Korean Journal of Gastrointestinal Endoscopy 2007 Volume.35 No. 6 p.395 ~ p.398
A Case of Gastric Suture Granuloma Suspected of Malignant Submucosal Tumor
Moon In-Kyu
Kim Tae-Hyo Jung Kyoung-Ah Lee Jae-Min Cho Hyun-Chin Shim Ki-Shik Min Hyun-Ju Jung Woon-Tae Lee Ok-Jae
A gastric suture granuloma is an uncommon postsurgical complication. When nonabsorbable sutures are used, the inflammation can persist months after the original procedure with the subsequent formation of an abscess around the sutures surrounded by granulation tissue. Suture granulomas are usually asymptomatic, and have clinical importance as a differential diagnosis of a gastricsubmucosal tumor. The incidence of suture granuloma is low using absorbable sutures in gastrointestinal anastomosis. We report a case of a 70 year old man diagnosed with a suture granuloma. Approximately 30 years earlier, he underwent primary closure due to gastric ulcer perforation. When a gastroscopy was performed to assess upper abdominal soreness, it revealed a submucosal tumor that indicated a malignancy, which was diagnosed as a suture granuloma after surgery.
Suture granuloma, Submucosal tumor
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