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KMID : 0359020070350060429
Korean Journal of Gastrointestinal Endoscopy
2007 Volume.35 No. 6 p.429 ~ p.434
A Case of Differentiated Mucosal Gastric Cancer with Lymph Node Metastasis Presented as an Intra-abdominal Mass
Im Jong-Pil

Kang Jung-Mook
Lee Hyuk-Joon
Kim Sang-Gyun
Kim Joo-Sung
Jung Hyun-Chae
Song In-Sung
In early gastric cancer, the most important prognostic factor is the presence or absence of a lymph node metastasis that is associated with the tumor size, histopathological differentiation, depth of tumor invasion and lympho-vascular invasion. A small sized differentiated mucosal cancer without a lympho-vascular invasion or histological ulceration rarely metastasizes to the lymph node. Herein, we report a case of a lymph node metastasis that is presented as an intra-abdominal mass in a 2.5 cm-sized differentiated mucosal cancer without ulceration or lympho-vascular invasion.
Early gastric cancer, Mucosal cancer, Lymph node metastasis
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