KMID : 0359020090380010047
Korean Journal of Gastrointestinal Endoscopy 2009 Volume.38 No. 1 p.47 ~ p.51
Anti-Tuberculosis Agents Induced Pseudomembranous Colitis Treated with Maintaining Anti-Tuberculosis Drugs
Woo Myoung-Lyeol
Cho Jae-Hee Kim Jeong-Hun Kim Myoung-Hwan Kwon Hyuk-Jin Wang Kil-Sang Yi Sang-Yeop Cho Hyeon-Geun
Tuberculosis is one of the main infectious health problems in Korea, and a combination of antibiotics is required to treat this illness. The combination therapy with rifampicin, isoniazid, ethambutol and pyrazinamide has many adverse
reactions and there have been several case reports about pseudomembranous colitis (PMC) after anti- tuberculosis treatment. Rifampicin is regarded as a main cause of anti-tuberculosis induced PMC because of its bacteriocidal effect, and interruption of the offending drug, such as rifampicin, is usually necessary to treat the PMC. However, in patents with uncompensated tuberculosis, the discontinuance of anti-tuberculosis medication accentuates the disease severity, and continuance of the anti-tuberculosis medication is necessary to overcome the tuberculosis. We report here on a case in which the anti- tuberculosis agents induced PMC in 32 year old female who was diagnosed with active pulmonary
tuberculosis. She was treated with maintenance of the anti-tuberculosis medication and also the addition of both oral metronidazole and probiotics.
Pseudomembranous colitis (PMC), Anti- tuberculosis agents
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