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KMID : 0359020090380040218
Korean Journal of Gastrointestinal Endoscopy
2009 Volume.38 No. 4 p.218 ~ p.223
Three Cases of Endoscopic Hemostasis of Gastric Ulcer Bleeding from an Exposed Blood Vessel with Using Histoacryl (N-Butyl-2-Cyanoacrylate)
Seong Yong-Wan

Roh Ji-Hun
Yoo Jae-Hoon
Goo Dong-Young
Shin Young-Min
Jo Yeong-Hwa
Yoon Jun-Mo
Kim Sung-Hoon
Upper gastrointestinal bleeding is a primary and emergency complication of peptic ulcer. Injection of Histoacryl (N-butyl-2-cyanoacrylate) is an effective endoscopic hemostasis procedure to treat peptic ulcer bleeding. However, Histoacryl injection is not a widely used method because of its various and sometimes severe complications. Therefore, the use of Histocaryl should be considered as a second line treatment modality to achieve therapeutic endoscopic hemostasis when the conventional treatment modalities fail or the patient has a high risk of needing operative therapy. Three patients, who had gastric ulcer bleeding from an exposed blood vessel, were each treated by an injection of Histoacryl diluted with Lipiodol at a dilution ratio of 1£º1. All 3 procedures were successfully accomplished without any complications.
Histoacryl, Gastric ulcer, Exposed blood vessel
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