KMID : 0359020090390040185
Korean Journal of Gastrointestinal Endoscopy 2009 Volume.39 No. 4 p.185 ~ p.198
Barrett¡¯s Esophagus - With Emphasis on Endoscopic Disgnosis
Lee Jun-Haeng
Barrett¡¯s esophagus is a metaplastic change of the esophageal mucosa, such that the normal squamous epithelium is replaced by specialized columnar epithelium. During the last decades, there has been a significant change in the definition, endoscopic diagnosis, pathologic diagnosis, surveillance and management of Barrett¡¯s esophagus. Because of the rising prevalence of gastroesophgeal reflux disease in Korea, problems related to Barrett¡¯s esophagus are expected to be much more common in the near future. In this review, methods of endoscopic diagnosis of Barrett¡¯s esophagus are discussed in detail. Management strategies in the context of Korean epidemiology are also suggested.
Barrett¡¯s esophagus, Endoscopic diagnosis, Surveillance, Management
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