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KMID : 0359020090390060359
Korean Journal of Gastrointestinal Endoscopy
2009 Volume.39 No. 6 p.359 ~ p.363
Two Cases of Boerhaave¡¯s Syndrome Treated by Endoscopic Hemoclipping
Jang Hyun-Jeong

Kim Tae-Hyo
Lee Chang-Min
Ju Kang
Ha Chang-Yoon
Min Hyun-Ju
Jung Woon-Tae
Lee Ok-Jae
Boerhaave¡¯s syndrome is a spontaneous esophageal perforation due to severe nausea and vomiting after hyperphagia or drinking, and it is not due to trauma, medical instrumentation or a foreign body. Untreated esophageal perforation is associated with high mortality, and the traditional treatment has been surgical drainage and primary repair of the perforation. However, non-surgical primary repair with an endoscopic procedure has recently been attempted in some selected patients with a small sized perforation, limited contamination of the mediastinum and no evidence of sepsis. We report here on 2 patients with Boerhaave¡¯s syndrome and who were successfully treated via primary repair with endoscopic hemoclips, and we review the other cases of the Boerhaave¡¯s syndrome that were treated with a endoscopic procedure.
Boerhaave¡¯s syndrome, Esophageal perforation, Endoscopic hemoclip
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