KMID : 0359020100410020113
Korean Journal of Gastrointestinal Endoscopy 2010 Volume.41 No. 2 p.113 ~ p.117
Polyarteritis Nodosa Localized in Small Intestine: A Case Report
Lim Byung-Hoon
Jang Ji-Sun Jang Se-Jin Bang Jei-So Yang Soo-Hyun Kim Jung-Won Kim Sung-Hoon Byun Jong-Hoon
Polyarteritis nodosa is a systemic necrotizing vasculitis that affects mainly small and medium-sized arteries that involve multiple organs. In addition to the systemic involvement of classical vasculitis, localized vasculitis involves blood vessels within a confined vascular distribution or single organ without clinical evidence of generalized inflammation. Localized vasculitis of the gastrointestinal tract is a rare entity. In particular, a limited involvement of the small bowel is an unusual manifestation of polyarteritis nodosa. In this report, we describe a case of biopsy-proven polyarteritis nodosa presenting as small bowel bleeding without other systemic manifestations.
Polyarteritis nodosa, Localized vasculitis, Small bowel
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