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KMID : 0359020100410030151
Korean Journal of Gastrointestinal Endoscopy
2010 Volume.41 No. 3 p.151 ~ p.154
A Case of Fishbone-induced Esophageal Perforation Closed by Endoscopic Clipping
Lim Jung-Muk

Han Joung-Ho
Ko Byung-Seong
Kim Mi-Sung
Park Ji-Young
Choi Woo-Hyung
Youn Sei-Jin
Park Seon-Mee
Esophageal perforation continues to be associated with high mortality - 20% to 30% - despite advances in surgical techniques. Traditional surgery has been the mainstay of treatment for perforation, but recent advances in endoscopic closure devices has increased therapeutic options for selected patients. Our patient had a fishbone-induced esophageal perforation. He was treated successfully with endoscopic clipping, antibiotics and parenteral nutrition. We report this case and provide a review of the relevant literature.
Foreign body, Endoscopic clipping, Esophageal perforation, Endoscopic treatment
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