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KMID : 0359020100410030172
Korean Journal of Gastrointestinal Endoscopy
2010 Volume.41 No. 3 p.172 ~ p.175
A Case of Colonic Intussusception Occurring after Colonoscopic Polypectomy
Kim Sa-Il

Jeon Yong-Chul
Lee Gil-Woo
Kim Young-Taek
Kim Tae-Yeob
Eun Chang-Soo
Han Dong-Soo
Sohn Joo-Hyun
Intestinal intussusception in adults is a rare disease. Most of the cases of adult intussusception are secondary to a definable lesion, and so surgical treatment generally needed. Intussusception that occurs after colonoscopic polypectomy is apparently a rare malady. A 77-year old man undergoing colonoscopic polypectomy was diagnosed as having colonic intussusception at the hepatic flexure. As there was no clinical improvement with conservative treatment, he underwent segmental resection of the ascending and transverse colon. Pathologic examination revealed that the colonoscopic polypectomy site was a leading point of the intussusception.
Colonoscopy, Polypectomy, Intussusception
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