KMID : 0359020110420010033
Korean Journal of Gastrointestinal Endoscopy 2011 Volume.42 No. 1 p.33 ~ p.37
Cytomegalovirus Colitis Causing Cecal Perforation and Massive Lower Gastrointestinal Bleeding
Jeon Jung-Won
Cha Jae-Myung Lee Joung-Il Joo Kwang-Ro Shin Hyun-Phil Park Jae-Jun Pack Kwan-Mi Lim Jun-Uk
Cytomegalovirus (CMV) infection is associated with significant morbidity and mortality in immunocompromised patients. It may cause serious illness including bleeding, ulceration and perforation of the gastrointestinal tract. However, bowel perforation, toxic megacolon, and massive lower gastrointestinal bleeding caused by CMV in one patient is not common. In this report, we present a case of CMV colitis causing cecal perforation and massive lower gastrointestinal bleeding in a patient with lupus nephritis. In our case, severe lower gastrointestinal bleeding developed during successful treatment of CMV infection with ganciclovir. Even though the outcome of CMV colitis has improved since ganciclovir has been available for immunocompromised patients, reductions in gastrointestinal bleeding from colonic ulcers of CMV colitis may be possible during successful treatment with ganciclovir. This case suggests the possibility of lower gastrointestinal bleeding from a colon ulcer of CMV colitis should be considered during successful treatment with ganciclovir in immunocompromised patients.
Cytomegalovirus, Colitis, Bleeding, Perforation, Ganciclovir
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