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KMID : 0359020110420030170
Korean Journal of Gastrointestinal Endoscopy
2011 Volume.42 No. 3 p.170 ~ p.174
A Case of Inserting Two Self-expandable Metal Stents in Dual Malignant Colonic Obstructions.
Kim Ju-Wan

Choi Chang-Hwan
Park Ji-Hoon
Cha Bong-Gi
Kim Ki-Seong
Jung Seung-Mun
Do Jae-Hyuk
Chang Se-Kyung
Malignant colonic obstruction can lead an emergency operation for decompression, and this can cause post-operative complications due to poor bowel preparation. Self-expandable metal stent (SEMS) insertion is useful for avoiding an emergency operation and unnecessary complications. However, SEMS insertion for dual malignant colonic obstructions is very rare. We report here on a case of two SEMS that were inserted in dual malignant colonic obstructions caused by synchronous colon cancer. A 66-year-old man visited our hospital due to abdominal distension. Sigmoidoscopy and an abdominopelvic computerized tomographic (CT) scan revealed synchronous colon cancer at the splenic flexure and distal descending colon with dual obstruction. The initial SEMS insertion on the descending colon was not effective for decompression due to the proximal obstruction. After the second SEMS insertion on the splenic flexure through the first stent, all the signs and symptoms due to obstruction disappeared. SEMS insertion is considered to be useful for treating dual malignant colonic obstruction caused synchronous colon cancer.
Synchronous colon cancer, Self-expandable metal stent
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