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KMID : 0359020110420050311
Korean Journal of Gastrointestinal Endoscopy
2011 Volume.42 No. 5 p.311 ~ p.314
A Case of Stercoral Perforation of Sigmoid Colon Diagnosed by Colonoscopy
Jang Won

Jeon Tae-Joo
Heo Ran
Kang Hwa-Mi
Oh Tae-Hoon
Seo Dong-Dae
Shin Won-Chang
Kim Hyun-Jung
Stercoral perforation of the colon is a rare disease. Yet, in recent times, the number of reported cases has increased because of the growing elderly population. Stercoral perforation of the colon usually occurs in the elderly or bedridden patients with chronic constipation. Stercoral perforation may cause a massive hemorrhage or peritonitis. The prognosis of stercoral perforation is poor, as the reported postoperative mortality is 35¡­40%. So, early diagnosis and proper treatment are very important for improving survival. However, making an early diagnosis may be difficult because of the nonspecific initial symptoms. We experienced a case of stercoral perforation that was diagnosed by colonoscopy. The defect was in the sigmoid colon, and it was covered with peritoneum. The patient completely recovered after resection and anastomosis of the perforated colon. We report here on this case with a review of the relevant literature.
Stercoral perforation, Peritonitis, Colonoscopy
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