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KMID : 0359020110420060373
Korean Journal of Gastrointestinal Endoscopy
2011 Volume.42 No. 6 p.373 ~ p.377
A Case of Gastric Adenocarcinoma Arising from Ectopic Pancreas showing Gastric Outlet Obstruction
Jung Suk-Hyun

Lee Hang-Rak
Paik Seung-Sam
Han Hu-lin
Ha Tae-Kyung
Park Byeong-Bae
Choi Chang-Ryeol
Song Soon-Young
An ectopic pancreas in the gastrointestinal tract is mostly found incidentally and its malignant transformation is extremely rare. We report herein a rare case of malignant transformation of ectopic pancreas in the stomach, associated with gastric outlet obstruction. A 69-year-old woman was admitted to our hospital, complaining of vomiting. Esophagogastroduodenoscopy revealed an encircling submucosal tumor-like lesion on the prepyloric antrum showing outlet obstruction. Abdominal CT showed an enhancing mass on the antrum and PET CT showed hypermetabolic wall thickening. So we performed a subtotal gastrectomy. Surgical specimens showed a moderately differentiated ductal adenocarcinoma, and the tumor cells were strongly positive for cytokeratin 7. The tumor was located close to the ectopic pancreas tissue. The tumor showed subserosal and omental invasion. There was one lymph node metastasis and no distant metastasis. The patient is being followed up in the outpatient department.
Pancreatic ductal carcinoma, Stomach neoplasms
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