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KMID : 0359020130460040327
Korean Journal of Gastrointestinal Endoscopy
2013 Volume.46 No. 4 p.327 ~ p.336
Computed Tomography Enterography for Evaluation of Inflammatory Bowel Disease
Park Min-Jung

Lim Joon-Seok
Computed tomography enterography (CTE) has become a main modality for the evaluation of inflammatory bowel disease (IBD). It simultaneously offers visualization of the small bowel and extraintestinal status, which is helpful for diagnosing IBD. Crohn disease has long segmental enhancing wall thickening related with the eccentric longitudinal distribution. In addition, mural stratification, fibrofatty proliferation, positive comb sign by increased mesenteric vascularity and internal/perianal fistula are characteristics of Crohn disease and can be identified on CTE. Short segmental inflammatory wall thickening and the central low attenuated lymph nodes are favorable CT finding of intestinal tuberculosis. A geographic, relatively large, and deep penetrating ulcer with bowel wall thickening and mural hyperenhancement in ileocecal area are characteristics of intestinal Behcet disease. Each of CTE findings for the IBDs is helpful for differential diagnosis. The main disadvantage of this technique is the requisite radiation exposure of patients, particularly in young patients. However, recent development of advanced CT techniques is promising for radiation dose reduction without compromising diagnostic image quality.
Computed tomography enterography, Inflammatory bowel diseases, Crohn disease, Intestinal tuberculosis, Behcet syndrome
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