KMID : 0359119720040010033
Korean Journal of Gastroenterology 1972 Volume.4 No. 1 p.33 ~ p.42
Statistical Studies of Malignancies
ÒÆêªãÕ/Loh, Won Shick
ì°úà¾/ì÷ëØëù/ÛÜãªòÉ/ˬòÒÌ×/õËýéî°/Lee, Hae Sun/Lim, Young Eui/Paik, Seung Jin/Kang, Jin Kyung/Choi, Heung Jai
Cancer is now the leading cause of death in most countries, and there appears to be an actual increase in the prevalence of cancer in recent years. Recent statistics of the united States of America and Western Europe indicated that the cancer is the second most frequent cause of death being only preceded by cardiovascular diseases.
During the last four decades our knowledge of the causation of tumours has advanced rapidly. The following studies of two sorts have contributed to this advance; a) statistical studies of occupational, social and racial factors in the causation of human neoplasms, and b) studies in the experimental production of tumours in animals by means of chemical and other agents.
This statistical studies was done on 4, 905 cases of malignancies, diagnosed pathologically and clinically among 76, 765 patients admitted to Severance Hospital during the last 10 years from 1960 to 1969, and the following results were obtained.
1. Annual incidence of malignancies showed gradual increase in total number, however there is no significant- variation in ratio to the number of total in-patients during the years of observation, mean being 6. 4%.
2. Male to female ratio of all malignancies was about 1 : 1.
3. Over the half (56. 7%) of all malignancies was in 5th and 6th decades, the peak age being in 6th decade in male (33.5%) and 5th decade in female (28.9%).
4. The relative frequency of all malignancies by system was in order of cancer of digestive system (43. 1%), genitourinary system and breast(32. 2%1), respiratory system (9. 0%), hematopoietic system (8. 1%0, musculoskeletal system and skin (3. 4%), endocrine system (1. 3%) and others (2. 99ol).
5. The over all frequency of malignancies by organ was in order of cancer of stomach (24. 10), uterus (19. 9%), liver (10.8%), lung(7. 4016), leukemia(4. 8%). In male the order of frequency was cancer of stomach (34.2%), liver (17.9%o), lung (11. 5%), leukemia (5.3%6), lymphoma (4.40), while in female it was cancer of uterus (40. 2%), stomach (13. 8%), breast (8, 2%, ovary (5. 2%6),
leukemia (4. 061). _
6. The peak age of relatively frequent malignancies was as follows: the peak age of the cancer of the stomach, liver, lymphoma and lung was in the 6th decade; that of uterus, breast, and colo-rectal
cancer was in 5th decade; that of leukemia was below the age of 20 years.
7. The most frequently encountered type of leukemia was acute myelocytic (52. 1%), and that of malignant lymphomas was lymphosarcoma (33. 8%).
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