KMID : 0359119720040010043
Korean Journal of Gastroenterology 1972 Volume.4 No. 1 p.43 ~ p.50
Diagnostic Value of the Needle Biopsy of the Peritoneum
ÑÑá¤Ð¤/Kim, Sung Kyu
ÑÑúéã¯/ÑÑóäÐ¥/õËýéî°/ðÆßÏûÄ/Kim, Hyun Seung/Kim, Chang Kyu/Choi, Heung Jai/Cho, Sang Ho
Since 1959, when Donohoe and his collegue reported the diagnostic value of percutaneous peritoneal needle biopsy, subsequent observations have been reported by others. Especially there are only rare reports for the percutaneous peritoneal biopsy in this country.
The diagnosis of the peritonitis can be confirmed pathologically by laparoscopy or laparotomy. Although these procedures are not exceptionally hazardous, the development of a simple alternative procedure with low morbidity seems desirable.
Percutaneous biopsy of the peritoneum with a Vim-Silverman needle or Cope needle meets this need since it is a safe, simple and highly effective methods for diagnosis of tuberculous peritonitis, metastatic peritoneum or other local or systemic diseases with ascites.
The present study is based on the analysis of 41 biopsies of the patients with ascites admitted to Severance Hospital, Yonsei University College of Medicine during the period from April, 1970 to September, 1971.
The following results were obtained:
1. Of the 41 percutaneous peritoneal needle biopsies, adequate specimens were obtained in 66% and inadequate specimens in the rest.
2. The initial diagnosis of the patients were tuberculous peritonitis in 16 cases, malignant disease in 8 cases and liver cirrhosis in 17 cases.
3. The histological findings of the peritoneum obtained by needle biopsy were tuberculosis in 5 cases, metastatic carcinoma in 10 cases, chronic non-specific inflammation in 7 cases, fibrous thickening in 5 cases.
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