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KMID : 0359319960360040919
Korean Journal of Veterinary Research
1996 Volume.36 No. 4 p.919 ~ p.927
Factors affecting pregnancy rates following transfer of bovine embryos derived from in vitro fertilization of oocytes matured in vitro

In the last few years, methods for in vitro culture of early embryo stages from oocytes matured and fertilized in vitro using suitable cell culture systems have been established. But the factors affecting pregnancy rates following transfer of bovine embryos produced in vitro were not evaluated enough. So this study was performed to investigate the effects of quality and stage of embryos, parity and Corpus Luteum quality of recipients on pregnancy rates following non-surgical transfer of bovine embryos produced in vitro.
Oocytes aspirated from small antral follicles of ovaries obtained at a local slaughter house were matured, fertilized with frozen-thawed semen and co-cultured for 6-7 days by utilizing co-culture system with bovine oviduct epithelial cell in vitro. After co-culture, embryos were transfered to recipients on day 7 (estrus=day 0). Recipients were monitored by ultrasonic scanning method or observation for estrus and rectal palpation after 50 days from transfer.
The results of this study are follows.
1. Of the 70 recipients, 70%(49 of 70) had not showed estrus sign between day 0 and day 50, but 22.9%(16 of 70) was diagnosed not pregnant. Therefore the overall pregnancy rate of this study was 47.1%(33 of 70).
2. The pregnancy rate of recipients transfered with excellent(66.7%) and good(54.5%) embryos were higher than that of recipients transfered with fair embryos(15.8%) (p$lt;0.05).
3. The pregnancy rate of recipients transfered with morula, compacted morula, blastocyst and expanded blastocysts were 46.2, 55.0, 62.5 and 50.0%, respectively.
4. The pregnancy rates of recipients transfered to heifer and cow were 54.5 and 55.2%, respectively.
5. The pregnancy rates of recipients with CL score I, II(66.7, 63.6%) were higher than those of recipients with CL score III (10%), (p$lt;0.05).
Success of transfer of embryos produced in vitro depends on many variables. The important factors identified in this study were the quality of embryos and the CL score of recipient animals after non-surgical transfer of embryos matured, fertilized and cultured in vitro.
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