The accuracy of rectal palpation and ultrasonography for predicting the presence of a functional corpus luteum in subestrous dairy cows was investigated, using the result of a radioimmunoassay for progesterone in plasma. Luteal status (high or low progesterone concentrations) was diagnosed in 820 cows, using rectal palpation and B-mode transrectal ultrasonography, and the results of rectal palpation and ultrasonography were compared in 2 ¡¿ 2 contingency table with plasma progesterone concentrations. A 2 ¡¿ 2 contingency table analysis allowed the calculation of sensitivity, specificity and predictive values for rectal palpation and ultrasonography.
The sensitivity, specificity, predictive value of a positive test and predictive value of a negative test were 81.9%, 67.5%, 79.0% and 71.4% for rectal palpation, and 96.3%, 88.8%, 94. 5% and 92.4% for ultrasonography, respectively.
The percentages of observed agreement and expected agreement between rectal palpation and ultrasonography were 71.8% and 57.1%, respectively. An evaluation of agreement between rectal palpation and ultrasonography, the value of Kappa was 0.34.
It was concluded that a ultrasonography was more sensitive and specific than rectal palpation in predicting the presence of a functional corpus luteum. Therefore, ultrasonographic examination is a reliable method for assessing the functional status of ovarian structures in subestrous dairy cows.