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KMID : 0359320160560030177
Korean Journal of Veterinary Research
2016 Volume.56 No. 3 p.177 ~ p.181
Establishment of normal reference of radiological morphology of renal artery in mini-pigs by renal angiography
Lee Won-Jae

Kim Ji-Yeon
Park Jae-Hyung
Park So-Yeon
Mini-pigs have been widely employed in preclinical studies to explore new therapeutic strategies for diseases of the human urinary system; however, the normal reference of the renal artery has not been clearly investigated in the mini-pig model. Therefore, we aimed to establish a normal reference of the radiological morphology of the renal artery in mini-pigs by renal angiography via catheterization of the carotid artery. The renal angiographies obtained from 15 mini-pigs were evaluated to determine the orifice from the aorta, facing direction, size and the number of branches of renal arteries. Cranio-laterally facing renal arteries with 2 distal branches were mainly observed in the renal artery of mini-pigs. Both sides of the renal artery presented symmetrical sizes; however, the right renal artery orifice from the aorta was located more cranially than the left counterpart. The results of this study will contribute to radiological diagnosis of the renal artery as well as preclinical studies of mini-pigs.
carotid artery catheterization, mini-pig normal reference, radiological morphology, renal angiography, renal artery intervention
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