KMID : 0359320160560030197
Korean Journal of Veterinary Research 2016 Volume.56 No. 3 p.197 ~ p.200
Congenital mitral valve stenosis in a Chinchilla cat
Lu Ta Li
Hung Yong-Wei Choi Ran Hyun Chang-Baig
A one-year-old, 3.25 kg intact male Chinchilla cat presented with acute right hind limb paralysis. Diagnostic imaging studies found cardiomegaly with interstitial lung pattern, abnormal mitral valve leaflets without maximum opening at the end of the ventricular diastole and during atrial systole and severe mitral inflow obstruction. Based on these findings and its young age, the case was diagnosed as congenital mitral valve stenosis. Treatment was directed to stabilize clinical conditions related to heart failure, to prevent further formation of thrombus and to relieve pain associated with thromboembolism. After one month of therapy, hind limb motor function was fully recovered.
cats, flat E-F slope, inflow jet, mitral stenosis, pulmonary hypertension
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