1. Described in this paper are morphological characters of 23 species. 2 varioties and 3 forms of Taiwan Ficus except Hairy-nerved Fig(Ficus pubenervis Blume) and Lan-yu¡§ Fig (Ficus caudato-longifolia Sata), all of the samples were collected by the author from many places of Taiwan including Botel Tobago. 2. For the purpose of microscopic examination, prepararions of slides were made as follow: washed with xylol, stained with fuchsin and sealed with glycerin jells. For sealing slides, the author found that nail polish is an ideal material and the application is convenient. Observation were made under immersion oil lens (with ceder oil) and the sizes of the pollen grain (enlarged to 1,000x or 1,500x of their natural sizes) were measured with the aid of a micrometer. 3. Polar view and equatorial view of the pollen grain of the Genus Ficus are identical. Their morphology can be classified into four major groups, i.e. rectangular, oblong, elliptic and oval. The morphology of the pollen grain of Large-fruited Fig is somewhat different. It is of rectangular or narrower rectangular shape and the two ends are of truncated forms. Side view of pollen grains are about 5.9¥ì to 11.0¥ì in diameter and 9, 4¥ì to 15.3¥ì in length. But the majority of these pollen grains is about 8.5 ¡¿ 12.9¥ì i.e, their size are in between perminutae and minutae. Normally the germinal apertures are at the two terminal ends of the equatorial plane. But the present author found that in the species White Bark Fig (Ficus cuspidato-caudata Hay.), Closter Fig (Ficus garcine Elm.) and Cuming Fig (Ficus cumingii Miq.), some have pollen grains of triangular shape. All of these triangular-shaped pollen grains have three germinal apertures and each of three is situated at the corners of the triangle. The aperture membrane are glabrous and all of