Although the climate in tropical region is warm in general, it is variable according to the changes of season and the levels of altitude. By use of various species, edible mushrooms can be cultivated in the different tropical climates. The great value of edible mushrooms lies the ability to convert various waste materials into a highly valued food. There is an abundance of farm wastes and other by-products in tropical region. Therefore, the growing of edible mushrooms has the potential of becoming a cheap source of food protein in many rural areas in the region.
However, the biological nature of $quot;warm$quot; mushrooms are not well known as the $quot;cold$quot; ones. The techniques used in the cultivation of the $quot;warm$quot; ones are also comparatively simpler than the $quot;cold$quot;. Due to the warm climate, a considerable damage caused by diseases and insects may also give some problems for mushroom cultivation in the region. Therefore, the yields in general are unstable and low. How can these problems be solved? First, governments and some private organizations should provide aid and give support to develop this inexpensive and immediately acceptable food for massive production. Second, of equal importance, some scientists, particularly some mycologists, should devote a share of their time and energy to translating their new findings into practical applications for the benefit of the public. If these two conditions can be properly and positively implemented, the edible mushrooms grown in various climates in the region can play a positive role in our daily diet and can serve as an additional good source of food protein in tropical region.