KMID : 0379120090370010114
Korean Journal of Mycology 2009 Volume.37 No. 1 p.114 ~ p.116
Oospore Production in Broth Media and Oospore Germination of Phytophthora capsici
Kim Byung-Sup
Rin Ernest James Coffey Michael D.
In this study, we selected suitable broth media for mass production of Phytophthora capsici oospore, investigated oospore germination and secured F1 progeny. Carrot broth and V8C broth were determined most effective for oospore formation by calculating and comparing oospore concentration produced from 8 different liquid media. Eleven strains were selected from P. capsici (CapA)/P. tropicalis (CapB) and 9 crosses were formed. Oospore progeny were produced, isolated and germinated from A1 and A2 combinations of P. capsici (CapA) with P tropicalis (CapB). This resulted in a total number of 129 F1 isolates of P. capsici/P. tropicalis with a 0.64-4.0% (mean 1.85%) oospore germination.
Broth media, F1 progeny, Oospore formation and germination, Phytophthora capsici
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