KMID : 0379120090370010117
Korean Journal of Mycology 2009 Volume.37 No. 1 p.117 ~ p.119
Occurrence of Strawberry Soft Rot by Rhizopus stolonifer on Distribution after Harvest
Kwon Jin-Hyeuk
Yoon Hae-Suk Nam Myeong-Hyeon Park Chang-Suk
Rhizopus soft rot caused by Rhizopus stolonifer occurred on strawberry (Fragaria ¡¿ ananassa) in the plastic boxes in Jinju City Wholesale Market of Agricultural Products at Gyeongnam province in Korea on April 2008. The infected fruits were rapidly softened, water soaked and finally rotted. The symptoms were mainly occurred through wounds at harvest time. The colony color was white, cottony to brownish black after fully matured and numerous sporangiospores were formed on sporangia. The optimum growth temperature of the fungus was 30oC on potato dextrose agar. Sporangia were globose or hemispheric shape of white color at initial stage and gradually changed with black color of 82~195 ¥ìm in size. Sporangiophores were 12~25 ¥ìm in width. Columella were hemispheric in shape, and 70~92 ¥ìm in size. Sporangiospores were irregular round or oval in shape, brownish-black in color and 9~21 ¡¿ 7~8 ¥ìm in size. This fungus formed stolones and rhizoid on PDA. On the basis of symptom, mycological characteristics and pathogenicity of the fungus, the causal fungus was identified as Rhizopus stolonifer (Ehrenb.) Vuill.
Rhizopus soft rot, Rhizopus stolonifer, Strawberry
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