KMID : 0379120090370020134
Korean Journal of Mycology 2009 Volume.37 No. 2 p.134 ~ p.138
Diversity of Ectomycorrhizal fungi of Abies koreana at Mt. Halla
Sim Mi-Young
Eo Ju-Kyeong Eom Ahn-Heum
This study was conducted to investigate colonization of ectomycorrhizal fungi(ECM) in roots of Abies koreana which is an endemic and endangered species in Korea. Roots of A. koreana were collected at Mt. Halla. ECM root tips were classified using morphotyping and identified using sequences of internal transcribed spacer (ITS) region of the fungal rDNA. Total 8 species of ECM fungi were identified from roots of 11 seedlings of A. koreana : Cenococum geophilum, Russula brevipes, 2 species of Russula, 2 species of Thelephora, Cortinarius camphorates and 2 species of Helotiales. These species were known to be typical ectomycorrhizal fungi found in coniferous mature forests.
Abies koreana, Ectomycorrhiza, Fungal community, Mt. Halla
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