KMID : 0379120090370020189
Korean Journal of Mycology 2009 Volume.37 No. 2 p.189 ~ p.194
Studies on the Biodiversity of the Higher Fungi from the Yongnup Swamp Land
Yoo Kwan-Hee
Author has carried out to survey on the fungal diversity from Yongnup swamp land, Yanggu-gun, Kangwon-do during the fruiting season over five years. During this survey 45 species and 3 varieties were recorded. Among them, Hygrocybe turunda (Peck) Bon var. sphagnophila (Peck) Bon was confirmed as an unknown species and Hygrocybe cruenta (Hongo) Hongo, Hydropus floccipes (Fr.) Sing. and Rhodophyllus setuliforme Kim Y. S. & Seok, S. J. were also found as rare species in Korea based on the examination of sporocarps and through previous literatures. Additional three species and two variety in Myxomycota, Hemitricha serpular (Scop.) Rostaf., H. clavata var. calyculata (Speg.) Y. Yamam, Badhamia affinis var. affinis Rostaf., Acyria cinerea (Bull.) Pers. and Metatricha vesparium (Batsch) Nann.-Bremk were also listed.
Fungal diversity, Hygrocybe turunda var. sphagnophila, Myxomycota, Yongnup swamp land
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