KMID : 0379120180460040375
Korean Journal of Mycology 2018 Volume.46 No. 4 p.375 ~ p.382
Molecular Phylogeny and Morphology Reveal the Underestimated Diversity of Mortierella (Mortierellales) in Korea
Lee Jae-Sung
Nam Bo-Ra Lee Hyang-Burm Choi Young-Joon
Members of the genus Mortierella (Mortierellales) are filamentous fungi, which are found on nearly all substrates, but more frequently in soil. Till date, 7 species of Mortierella have been reported in Korea, but being a ubiquitous group with high species diversity in temperate zones, this number is still low. During a survey of fungal biodiversity in Korea, we collected many isolates of Mortierella, and through morphological and molecular phylogenetic analyses, identified them to be 3 previously unrecorded species, namely, M. chienii, M.
epicladia, and M. gamsii. A total of 10 Mortierella species in Korea, including the 3 species reported in the present study, are widely distributed in 5 out of 7 phylogenetic groups of this genus. This indicates that the diversity of Mortierella was so far underestimated in Korea.
Multi-locus sequence analysis is required to provide a more reliable backbone for some uncertain phylogenetic groupings and to more clearly define a species of Mortierella, which would encourage deeper research in the diversity and ecological roles of Mortierella and allied genera.
Barcoding , ITS rDNA , Mortierellaceae , Species diversity , Zygomycetes
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