Many attempts have been made to develope and to change the success criteria of dental implant since 1970s. Nowadays, the most acceptable success criteria of osseointegrated implant is the criteria proposed at the Toronto Symposium in 1998.
The success criteria comprises the following the determinants with several requirements: 1) the resultant implant support does not preclude the placement of a planned functional and esthetic prosthesis that is satisfactory to both patient and dentist; 2) there id no pain, discomfort, atered sensation or infection attributable to the implants; 3) individual unattached implants are immobile when tested clinically; 4) the mean vertical bone loss is than 0.2mm annually following the first year of function. Criteria derived from patient-based treatment outcome measures should be recorded in terms of quality of life depending upon social status and economical potential of patients. Furthemore, as the concept of application of dental implant is rapidly changing immediate loading and early loading to reduce a total period of treatment currently, new success criteria can be required to accommodate the approaches. Consequentely, success criteria is not a fixed criteria since the type of implant and the application method are changing conteneouly, and the success criteria should be changed or modified accordingly depending upon new situation.