KMID : 0602720030070020026
Implantology 2003 Volume.7 No. 2 p.26 ~ p.38
Bone healing around theramally oxidized implants
Heo Seong-Joo
Kim Y.-H. Chang Ik-Tae Koak Jai-Young Han Chong-Hyun Kim Yong-Sik Im Sun-Ho
One major factor in the success and biocompatibility of an implant is its surface properties. The purposes of this study were to analyze the surface characteristics after blasting and thermal oxidation and to evaluate the bone response around these implants with the histomorphometric analysis. Threaded implants (3.75mm diameter, 8.0mm length) were manufactured by machining a commercially pure titanium (grade II). A total number of 48 implants have been evaluated with histomorphometric methods and included in the statistical analyses. Two different groups of samples were prepared according to the following procedures. group 1. blasted with 50¥ìm Al2O3 group 2. after blasted with 50¥ìm Al2O3, thermally oxidized(800¡É) during 120 min in a pure oxygen atmosphere. A noncontacting optical profilometer, TopScan 3D (Heidelberg Instuments, Heidelberg, Germany) was used to measure the surface topography. The surface composition of the implants used and the oxide thickness were investigated with Rutherford backscattering spectrometry (RBS). The objective of this work was to evaluate the surface characteristics of the implants after surface treatment such as blasting and oxidation and study the influence of the surface treatment on the bone response. The different preparations produced implant surfaces with essentially similar chemical composition, but with different oxide thickness, roughness. The morphological evaluation of the bone formation revealed that: 1. The percentage of bone to implant contact after 4 weeks of the oxidized implants (33.3£¥) was greater than that of blasted group(23.1£¥)(p¡ë0.0240) 2. The percentages of bone to implant contact after 12 weeks had no statistical difference between two groups.(p¡ë0.9172) 3. The percentages of bone area inside the thread after 4 weeks & 12 weeks had no statistical difference between two groups.(p¡ë0.2473, 0.1774)
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