There have been extensive efforts to improve the osseointegration in the dental implant treatement. The change and modification of the implant material, design, and surface characteristics has improved clinical outcome such as short healing period, early loading and predictable results. Surface modifications of the dental implant are subjected to increased and accelerated bone formation, and are related to various microtopographical and chemical properties. Many of these properties were developed commercially, which attribute to experimentally, clinically relevant outcome. Additionally other biochemical, electrochemical, nanotechnological and biological approaches to the implant surface modificaiton have been studied. The new approaches are closely related to accelerated bone healing. Therefore understanding peri-implant bone healing mechanism is essential to the future implant surface technology. More knowledges of peri-implant bone healing and application of biomimetics, tissue engeenering, new surface technology may give us better implant surface. It is necessary that clinically relevant studies should be performed for various implant surface, and multidisciplinary approaches to the surface modification should be used.