KMID : 0602720080120010034
Implantology 2008 Volume.12 No. 1 p.34 ~ p.43
Retrospective study of success rate of the Implantium implant system
Kang Il-Hyun
Chae Gyung-Joon Jung Ui-Won Kim Chang-Sung Cho Kyoo-Sung Chae Jung-Kiu Kim Chong-Kwan Choi Seong-Ho
The Implantium¨Þ implant system characterized by sand-blasting, acid etching, internal connection, micro-thread. Specially, sand-blasted and acid-etched (SLA) surface stimulates bone cell differentiation and protein production, has large amounts of bone-to-implant contact, and results in large removal torque values in functional testing of the bone contact. The aim of this retrospective study is to evaluate the clinical use and the efficacy and to analysis the short term success rate of Implantium implant system. As this results contribute to long term study and place reliance on Korean made implant. Eighty five patients received placement of Implantium implant system, total number of 233 implant for a period of 3year 4months (from November 2003 to March 2007). The findings from the results were as follows; 1. From patterns and distributions of the patients, no differences among male and female patients, the peak distributions are 40-50 years ages(64.47% patient's number and 60.52% implants' number) and from locations and distributions of the implants, a total number of implants are similar on maxilla and mandible. 33(14.16%)implants on anterior region, 200(85.84%)implants on posterior region. 2. The reason of tooth loss was orderly periodontal problem(52.79%), caries(18.88%), congenital missing(1.29%), and others. 3. As failed implants were three, survival rate was 98.71%. 4. The reasons of implants failure are infection, poor bone conditions, failure of osseo-integrations.
Implant, Survival rate
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