KMID : 0602720080120030012
Implantology 2008 Volume.12 No. 3 p.12 ~ p.24
The effect of the preparation methods of recipient site on initial stability of implant in the sinus bone graft model
Kim Jung-Ju
Ryu Sun-Youl
Purpose: The present study was aimed to evaluate the effect of the preparation methods of recipient site on initial stability of implant in the sinus bone graft model.
Materials and methods: A hollow model similar to the maxillary sinus was made of Foamex¨Þ and put under two kinds of wooden plate sized 50¡¿15¡¿5 mm, similar to type 3 and 4 bone quality, and bone-grafted 12 mm high with the particulated bone harvested from pig's mandible. Implants surfaced with resorbable blasting media, 4.0 mm in diameter and 10 mm in length, were Osstem implants. After forming a recipient site in three ways. That is, the recipient site was prepared according to the manufacturer's instruction: 1.8 mm guide drill, 2.0 mm initial drill, 2.7 mm pilot drill, 2.7 mm twist drill, 3.0 mm pilot drill, 3.0 mm twist drill, 3.3 mm pilot drill, and 3.3 mm twist drill in order. Its control group is the implanting one. In the control group, two kinds of bone quality were classified into the control group type 3 for Type 3 bone quality and the control group type 4 for type 4. Following the forming order of the upper recipient site, the countersink group was prepared for the recipient site to be drilled to 3.0 mm twist drill, countersank, and implanted sequentially drilling from 1.8 mm guide drill to 3.0 mm twist drill and followed by countersink. According to the bone quality, type 3 was the countersink group type 3 and type 4 was the countersink group type 4. Following the forming order of the upper recipient site, the osteotome group was prepared for the site to be drilled to 2.7 mm twist drill by osteotome, be expanded 3.0 mm in diameter, and then be implanted. Two kinds of bone quality in the osteotome group were classified into the osteotome group type 3 for type 3 bone quality and the osteotome group type 4 for type 4. In three groups, five implants were installed on the wooden plates having two kinds of bone quality respectively. In implantation, a maximum insertion torque shown on the implant motor was measured. The initial stability of implants was measured using OsstellTM mentor and Periotest¨Þ and its statistical significance was analyzed.
Results: The results of the insertion torque showed that the osteotome group type 3 was the highest 6.13¡¾1.14, and the control group type 3 was 4.86¡¾0.40, the countersink group type 3 was 3.73¡¾1.32, the osteotome group type 4 was 2.98¡¾ 0.38, the control group type 4 was 2.36¡¾0.42, and the countersink group type 4 was 2.09¡¾0.47 Ncm in order (p<0.05). As a result of the resonance frequency by OsstellTM mentor, the osteotome group type 3 was the highest 58.25¡¾3.49 ISQ, and the osteotome group type 4 was 56.25 ¡¾ 3.68 ISQ, the control group type 3 was 54.05¡¾4.14 ISQ, the control group type 4 was 53.70¡¾4.67 ISQ, the countersink group type 3 was 52.50¡¾4.52 ISQ, and the countersink group type 4 was 51.25¡¾ 4.46 ISQ in order (p<0.05). The mobility measured by Periotest¨Þ indicated that the osteotome group type 3 was the lowest 6.25¡¾2.03 PTV, and the countersink group type 3 was 6.35 ¡¾ 1.53 PTV, the control group type 3 was 7.10¡¾1.17, the countersink group type 4 was 8.00¡¾3.99 PTV, the osteotome group type 4 was 10.70¡¾1.74, and the control group type 4 was 11.55¡¾4.23 PTV in order (p<0.05).
Conclusion: These results indicate that how to form a recipient site affects its initial stability and expanding a recipient site by osteotome or avoiding countersinking for implant leads to a way of getting an initial stability.
initial stability, preparation methods, sinus bone graft model
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