KMID : 0602720080120030026
Implantology 2008 Volume.12 No. 3 p.26 ~ p.34
One stage operation of large oroantral fistula closure, sinus lifting for dental implant installation
Lee Bu-Kyu
Bone grafts at the maxillary sinus are often required after closure of an oroantral fistula (OAF) to allow for subsequent implant installation. The present report describes a single procedure that provides large OAF closure and bone grafting at the involved sinus. This technique involves sinus mucosal lifting via elevating the sinus membrane, which is recovered as a continuous layer by combining the residual sinus membranes with a flipped part of the oral mucosa around the OAF. This technique involves sinus mucosal lifting via elevating the sinus membrane, which is recovered as a continuous layer by combining the residual sinus membranes with a flipped part of the oral mucosa around the OAF. Autogenous bone from the Ileum was grafted into the prepared sinus space, and the oral side of the graft was covered by a rotated palatal flap. This technique was used to treat 3 patients who had large OAFs in the atrophied posterior maxillay region due to previous multiple implant failures after sinus lifting. The treatment was successful in all cases. This technique appears to be suitable for large OAFs where implants are subsequently required.
bone graft, dental implant, OAF, oroantral fistula, sinus lifting
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