KMID : 0602720090130020096
Implantology 2009 Volume.13 No. 2 p.96 ~ p.109
Guided bone regeneration on a single tooth with horizontal and vertical bone loss
Song Ji-Eun
Hong Ji-Youn Kim Chang-Sung Cho Kyoo-Sung Kim Chong-Kwan Choi Seong-Ho
The presence of adequate bone width and height is an important requisite for the proper placement of dental implants according to the concept of restoration-driven implant. Guided bone regeneration(GBR) technique has been widely used to correct ridge deformities. Although the use of non-resorbable e-PTFE membrane in GBR leads to a larger amount of bone formation the membrane can be prematurely exposed and infection can occur. In these cases, GBR were performed with or without implant using the non-absorbable membranes. There were wide fenestrations of soft tissue and membranes were exposed, which are possibly associated with the patients¡¯heavy smoking. Dressing with chlorhexidine and medication was done for 4-5 weeks before membrane removal. Even though the quality and quantity of the regenerated bone was not as great as expected, it provided sufficient initial stability and support for the implants. In conclusion, GBR is an effective treatment option for correcting horizontal and vertical ridge deformities. The prevention and proper management of complications can lead to improved results of GBR.
guided bone regeneration, membrane exposure, smoking
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