KMID : 0602720090130030142
Implantology 2009 Volume.13 No. 3 p.142 ~ p.151
Effect of the safe reamer for crestal approach during sinus augmentation on Osseointegration - An experimental pilot study in a dog
Cho Nan-Hyung
Shin Sang-Wan Kim Sun-Jong
The aim of this study was to investigate the influence of safe reamer technique on bone response. For the experiment, 4 screw-designed implants were inserted into the left and right maxilla of a dog using two different crestal approaches, i.e. safe reamer drill and osteotome. Each maxilla received two implants (SinusQuickTM?(Neobiotech, Seoul, Korea, 4.0mmdiameter, 10mm-length). After an implantation period of 8 weeks, the implants were retrieved and prepared for histological and histomorphometrical evaluation (bone contact and bone mass. Light microscopy revealed generally similar bone response to all implants. Histomorphometry suggested that the bone-to-implant contact for the implants inserted by safe reamer drilling did not differ significantly from the results found using the osteotome approach. Within the limit of our results, we conclude that implants installed in trabecular bone using safe reamer technique appear to have similar boneimplant contact compared with osteotome technique. The use of safe reamer technique may not lead to improved results. Additional studies should be performed in other animals to confirm these findings.
Sinus augmentation, osteotome, safe reamer, implant, Histomorphometry
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